
ETI PT100 Test Caps

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PT100 Test Caps:- These are suitable for checking the accuracy of the Precision PT100 thermometer or any platinum resistance (PT100) thermometer fitted with a five-pin binder connector.
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Thermometer Type Thermometer Calibrator
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI PT100 Test Caps

These are suitable for checking the accuracy of the Precision PT100 thermometer or any platinum resistance (PT100) thermometer fitted with a five-pin binder connector. All the user has to do is simply plug in the desired test cap and the display on the screen should show the same temperature as the certified value, therefore the user can then assume that their instrument is calibrated and is indeed reading correctly. Each test cap is supplied complete with a UKAS Certificate of Calibration with a guaranteed uncertainty of ±0.1°C.

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