
ETI MicroCheck Three Point Temperature Checker Simulator

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MicroCheck Temperature Checkers:- this have been specifically developed to verify the continuing accuracy of type K thermocouple thermometers with a 0.1 or 1°C resolution and an accuracy of ±0.5°C.
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Probe K
Thermometer Type Thermometer Calibrator
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI MicroCheck Three Point Temperature Checkers

This is the MicroCheck Three which has been specifically developed to verify the continuing accuracy of type K thermocouple thermometers with a 0.1 or 1°C resolution and an accuracy of ±0.5°C. The temperature checkers stimulate three fixed temperatures enabling users to check the accuracy of each instrument at three known points without the need for specialist equipment. Each temperature checker comes with a three-point traceable Certificate of Calibration, two miniature thermocouple connector and a one-metre PVC lead. Temperature Point 0, 100, 500°C.


  • case material: ABS plastic
  • certification: UKAS calibration certificate
  • country of manufacture: United Kingdom
  • measurement scale: Celsius
  • warranty: two years
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