
ETI 6100 Therma Hygrometers

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The 6100&6102 Therma-Hygrometers are relative humidity and air temperature measuring instruments. The humidity meters measures %rh over the range of 0-100%rh with a resolution of 0.1%rh, and the temperature over the range of -20 to 70 °C with a resolution of 0.1°C.
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Measurement Application Air and Gas Measurement
Thermometer Type Ambient Air Thermometers, Wired Probe Thermometers, Thermo-Hygrometers
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI 6100 Therma Hygrometers

The 6100&6102 Therma-Hygrometers are relative humidity and air temperature measuring instruments. The humidity meters measures %rh over the range of 0-100%rh with a resolution of 0.1%rh, and the temperature over the range of -20 to 70 °C with a resolution of 0.1°C. Both humidity meters incorporate a clear custom LCD with °C, %rh, max/min, hold and dew point indication. there is an automatic display of both open circuit and low battery. the 6002 displays both temperature and humidity simultaneously, and additionally incorporating backlit display. Both hygrometers are powered by three 1.5V AAA batteries, with a minimum life expectancy of up to 10,000 hours. An additional feature of meter is that the instrument can automatically turn itself off after ten minutes of non-use, maximising battery life. The 6100 / 6102 therma-hygrometers utilise an interchangeable probe that incorporates a one-metre lead with a 6-pin Lumberg connector. If the probe needs to be replaced, the instrument will not require recalibration as the probes are fully interchangeable.


  • battery monitor: yes
  • case material: plastic
  • country of manufacture: United Kingdom
  • display hold: yes
  • display type: LCD digital
  • max/min function: yes
  • measurement scale: Celsius, Fahrenheit, %rh & dew point
  • power saving: auto-off
  • power source: battery powered
  • probe/sensor style: external sensor with connector
  • warranty: two years





-20 to 70°C

0 to 100%rh





±1°C ±1 digit

±2% (10 to 90 %rh)

Sensor Type

silicone bandgap

capacitance polymer


3 x 1.5 volt AAA


Battery Life

10000 hours



12mm LCD



25 x 56 x 128mm



160 grams


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