
ETI Heavy Duty Dial Probe Thermometers

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Heavy Duty Dial Probe Thermometers- These are heavy duty, and they have a 50mm diameter dial. Meaning that it makes them both reliable and accurate.
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Measurement Application Immersion Measurement
Thermometer Type Liquid Thermometers
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI Heavy Duty Dial Probe Thermometers

These are heavy duty, and they have a 50mm diameter dial. Meaning that it makes them both reliable and accurate. The dial probe thermometer features a 6.35 x 300mm pointed stainless steel stem. This makes it ideal to work with asphalt, blacktop, soil and other heavy duty industrial applications. Three temperature scales are available indicating temperature over the range of -20 to 250°C in 1°C or 5°C divisions.


  • probe/sensor style: integral probe
  • measurement scale: Celsius
  • display type: analogue dial
  • case material: stainless steel
  • warranty: one year
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