
ETI Deep Wall Damp Probe

Deep Wall Damp Probe:- This moisture meter probe is fully insulated meaning it can measure moisture deep within walls, regardless of any surface dampness. This probe has a diameter of 3.3mm, and a length of 150mm.
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Measurement Application Immersion Measurement
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI Deep Wall Damp Probe

This moisture meter probe is fully insulated meaning it can measure moisture deep within walls, regardless of any surface dampness. This probe has a diameter of 3.3mm, and a length of 150mm. This probe has insulated shanks, and should be inserted into pre-drilled holes. Each pair of probe assemblies is supplied with a one metre PVC lead and a BNC connector. This particular probe can fit any ETI moisture/damp meter with a BNC socket.

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