Magus Electronics CM3 Vibration and/or Noise Analyser

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This is the CM3 Vibration and/or Noise Analyser, a high end and award winning compliance monitor for use on engineering and construction sites.

The CM3 provides the user with the ability to view and analyse live data trends on an online internet portal, which is accessible on any internet enabled device (yearly subscription required)

The CM3 offers accuracy levels to comply with both the noise at work standards and the vibration standards set by the HSE.

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Brand Magus Electronics
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CM3 Vibration and/or Noise Analyser

The CM3 Vibration and/or Noise Analyzer is very efficient for use in engineering and construction sites. Designed to provide fast, accurate and efficient method of ensuring compliance with limits to both noise at work and the vibration standards set by HSE, the CM3 provides users with the ability to view and analyze live data trends on an online internet portal, which is accessible on any internet enabled device. It also provides automatic unattended monitoring, and remote monitoring via modem with SMS alerts and multiple blast event storage in memory (yearly subscription required).

Full Remote Data Collection for Unattended Monitoring. The simplest and most reliable way to monitor your sites for compliance for both Noise and Vibration legislation. Available in Simultaneous (Vibration and Noise Type 1 Leqs) or Vibration/Noise Only.

The CM3 Model is available in:

  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Simultaneous Noise and Vibration

CM3 Vibration and/or Noise Analyser Features:

  • User-friendly PC software for data analysis to BS6472, BS4142, DIN 4150 and USHM/OSMRE standards
  • Graphics display to view previous results
  • Modem option with SMS text alerts
  • Remote operation and data collection
  • Alarm option with audio/visual warning
  • Unlimited cable lengths and extended battery life via external battery socket [multiple blast event storage in memory]
  • 3 event timer providing automatic unattended monitoring

Up to 7 channels With the ability to log in to the CM3 device it allows you a wide range of new features, Under configuration, you now have the ability to remotely change settings on the CM3 such as:

  • Name of unit
  • Enabling your alarms
  • Event Times
  • Input which noise percentiles you need to record (up to 6),
  • Table time interval,
  • Alarm thresholds.

The great news is that you can select all the event parameters from this web page and even change the Leq measurements times on recorded data. For example, say you select 5 minute tables and L10, L90. Clicking table or event data will give you the results over the period selected for these Leq’s. Then, if you change the Leq periods (say a table of 1 hour and L1,L10,L30,L50 and L90), and reselect the event data or table data, the same period of data will now show the new selected Leq values. This gives you the option to ‘change your mind’ after the monitoring has been recorded.

Input RangesTechnical SpecificationValues
VibrationVelocity0.01 to 99.8mm/S
NoiseRange60 dB (10dB below base 50dB above base) minimum
 Base Selectable20, 40, 60, 80, 100.
Resolution0.1dB accuracy 0.5dB Meeting Type 1 Precision grade
Standard ValuesLeq, Lmax, Leq5, Percentiles: L10 L90. Factory option: L1

Trigger Level

Technical Specification Values
User Selectable Vibration 0.1 to 100mm/S Velocity
 Sound/ AOPdB Above Meter base (Linear) (ON or OFF)
Cut off DelayValues
User Selectable from 0.1 to 1 second. Used to reduce event length if
event falls below trigger level for more than selected delay.
Sampling RateValues
VibrationUser-selectable from 200 to 1000Hz. Impulse mode only.
Frequency ResponseValues
Vibration 0.5Hz TO 1KHz, with standard accelerometers.
NoiseA or C weighted, Linear for Air Overpressure to IEC651.
Event Data Ram384KB. Option of 32GB.
Protected by a separate battery. User information store for 4 fields,
12 characters/field. All user-selected options have separate data retention
for up to 10 years after each event save.
Standard Channels Values
Vibration Only3 Channels (1 triaxial or 3 single axis transducers)
OR 6 Channels (2 triaxial or 6 single axis transducers)
Noise OnlySingle Channel, Type 1 Precision Grade microphone
Simultaneous Noise and Vibration 4 or 7 Channels
(1 Noise Channel + 3 or 6 Channels of Vibration).
Print-out (user selectable)Values
NoneOnly valid with PC or Flash Card Option.
Block Results Values
Vibration Displacement, Acceleration, Velocity, Frequency,
Resultant Velocity.
NoiseAir Overpressure (Leq in the Continuous Mode):
Leqs of Overall, Max 5 min, Leq(interval), Max 5 (interval),
L10, L90 Percentiles, LMAX. Additional user definable interval
for Leq, Max 5 min Leq, L10, L90 in Sound only mode.
SPL mode (from Calibration menu).
FullAs Block results with additional user data, Velocity and Air
Overpressure graphs or PPV and Leq Histograms.
Transducers Values
Vibration TA1 (3 accelerometers mounted triaxially) or VT1
(single accelerometer) as required. Cable lengths unlimited (POA)
NoiseType 1 Precision Grade Microphone for Leq noise. Linear sub
4Hz for Air Overpressure data. Remote mounting up to 10M.
Standards Values
Vibration BS6472, BS7385, BS6955 and DIN 4150.
NoiseBS4142, IEC651, BS5228, BS5969 and ANSI S1.4 Type 1.
Modes:- Automatic Trigger Impulse Mode:- Triggers on any vibration exceeding the user defined trigger value. Used for blast monitoring or similar events. Event length user selectable Continuous Mode:- Used to record Peak Vibration and Sound Leq (in dB(A) or (C)) over extended periods. Manual or automatic operation using 3 event timer, repeated daily. Data tabulated at user defined intervals. Ideal for Noise surveys and monitoring of construction operations to ensure compliance with project limits. Applications include: Piling, Railway, Highway and Bridge Structure Monitoring. Dual Mode:- Continuous monitoring for Vibration and Air Overpressure, with vibration exceeding the trigger value producing an impulse event. Each impulse event is printed as it occurs, with the continuous event printed at the end of the monitoring period. General:-
  • Real Time Calendar/Clock for Date/Time print-out with results and 3 event timer per day for unattended operation of several weeks.
  • LCD Graphic Display for results and recall of graphs etc.
  • Printer Option.
  • 2 level Audible and visual Alarm system warning if trigger level is exceeded in either mode of operation.
  • SMS text alerts with Modem option. Noise Alarms: 1 min Laeq alarm, Table Interval Time
  • Laeq alarm and Period Laeq Alarm. 2 Vibration Alarms (PPV) all user selectable.
  • Weather Option to give wind speed/direction, more details available on request.
  • User-friendly software - Features include: Reprinting Event; 1Min Pause; Quantity of full results printed before returning to Block Print-out when left unattended.
  • Separate or combined graphs, user selectable.
  • Battery/Mains operated.
  • Battery life (up to): light weight option 3 days, extended option 6 days. External battery
  • connection with lead supplied for extended or permanent use (cycle external batteries).
  • Internal battery can be changed by the user.
  • Computer interface (RS232) and Windows P.C. Software supplied as standard.
  • Supplied in a water-tight Peli Case, sealed to IP65.
  • Weight 10.5kg (4 Channel System with one Vibration Sensor and Microphone).
  • Supplied as Standard with the Following:- Mains Charger + External battery connector and cable. Windows Software (Windows 7 / XP,2000, ME,98SE,&98) USB 1.1 (Type A to B) cable supplied.
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