
CaterTemp® Food Probe Thermometer

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The CaterTemp by ETI is a professional digital thermometer, and has been specifically designed with the catering and food processing industry in mind, it incorporates a combination of proven circuitry and durability.
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Probe K
Measurement Application Immersion Measurement
Thermometer Type Liquid Thermometers, Wired Probe Thermometers
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI CaterTemp

The CaterTemp is a professional digital thermometer, and has been specifically designed with the catering and food processing industry in mind, it incorporates a combination of proven circuitry and durability.

This thermometer is housed in a durable ABS case that contains an additive called 'Biomaster' which helps reduce bacterial growth. It also features a bright, easy to read LCD, displaying open circuit and low battery indication when applicable. This thermometer is powered by three 1.5 volt AAA batteries that give up to a minimum of five years battery life. However, it will power off automatically after ten minutes, maximising battery life.

Each thermometer is supplied with a permanently attached food penetration probe with a 130mm pointed, stainless steel stem and also a one metre coiled PU lead.


  • warranty: two years
  • probe/sensor style: integral probe & lead
  • power source: battery powered
  • power saving: auto-off
  • measurement scale: Celsius
  • lead style: coiled
  • HACCP: compatible with HACCP
  • display type: LCD digital
  • display hold: yes
  • country of manufacture: United Kingdom
  • certification: traceable calibration certificate
  • water/dust resistance: IP65 when using boot (optional accessory)
  • case material: ABS plastic with Biomaster anti-bacterial additive
  • battery monitor: yes




-49.9 to 299.9°C


0.1 °C


±0.4°C (-50 to 199°C) otherwise ±1°C


3 x 1.5 volt AAA

Battery Life

minimum 5 years (10000 hours)

Sensor Type

K thermocouple


12mm LCD


25 x 56 x 128mm


130 grams

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