
ETI Legionnaire's Standard Thermometer Kit

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Budget Legionnaires' / Legionella thermometer kit specifically designed for legionella testing.

  • 0.1°C resolution
  • probes included
  • FREE certificate of calibration
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Probe K
Features Interchangeable Probes
Measurement Application Immersion Measurement, Surface Measurement
Thermometer Type Liquid Thermometers, Surface Thermometers
Brand ETI
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ETI Budget Legionnaire's Or Legionella Thermometer Kit

Incorrect water temperature is a key risk factor for legionella growth. The legionella bacteria multiply in water at temperatures between 20 to 45 °C. A typical method of control is to store hot water above 60 °C and distribute it at above 50 °C (care must be taken to prevent scalding). Cold water should be kept below 20 °C..

This Budget Legionnaire's Thermometer Kit can be used to monitor the temperature of both standing water and the surface of pipes and tanks that form part of the water system. The penetration probe can also be used to test the temperature of tap water.

The immersion probe should be placed in the water to a minimum depth of 25mm; the ribbon surface probe may be used to take the temperature of pipes and tanks, and the wire probe can be used to reach awkward places or where the other probes are not appropriate. This kit comes with a traceable certificate of calibration.

Current legislation means that if you are the employer or person in control of premises, you must organise a risk assessment. The revised Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) issued by the Government's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) significantly extends the scope of its guidance on control of legionella bacteria in water.

The code now applies to all hot and cold water systems in the workplace regardless of their capacity, i.e. the lower limit of 300 litres previously used to exclude domestic systems no longer applies. Whilst domestic systems may represent a risk, the code only applies to risk arising from a work activity.

This means that all employers who manage premises with hot/cold water systems and/or a wet cooling system have a legal responsibility to identify any risk of contamination and to prevent or control it.

range 0.1°C: -99.9 to 299.9°C
range 1°C: 300 to 1372°C
resolution: 0.1°C & 1°C
accuracy: ±0.4°C ±0.1%
battery: 3 x 1.5 volt AAA
battery life: minimum 5 years (10000 hours)
sensor type: K thermocouple
display: 12mm LCD
dimensions: 25 x 56 x 128mm
weight: 130 grams
case material: ABS plastic with Biomaster anti-bacterial additive
country of manufacture: United Kingdom
guarantee: two years
measurement scale: Celsius
certification: FREE traceable calibration certificate

What's in the Box

Each Legionella thermometer kit contains:

  • 1 x 221-041 Therma 1 thermometer
  • 1 x 323-046  waterproof surface penetration probe
  • 1 x 133-372 Heavy Duty PTFE wire probe
  • 1 x 830-037 Zip Pouch
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