
ATP Pen-Type Thermo-Hygrometer

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This product is a pen-type humidity and temperature meter with an LCD display that simultaneously display temperature and %RH. The protective grill is where the sensors are located which makes this instrument ideal for taking measurements in the air stream.
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Measurement Application Air and Gas Measurement
Thermometer Type Fixed Probe Thermometers, Ambient Air Thermometers, Thermo-Hygrometers
Brand ATP
Available Outside the UK? Yes

ATP Pen-Type Thermo-Hygrometer

This product is a pen-type humidity and temperature meter with an LCD display that simultaneously display temperature and %RH. The protective grill is where the sensors are located which makes this instrument ideal for taking measurements in the air stream.


  • 0°C to 50°C x 0.1°, 20% to 100%RH
  • Displays temperature in °C or °F
  • Simultaneous display of humidity and temperature
  • Large 58 x 12mm LCD display
  • Min/Max Memory for both temperature and humidity
  • Impact-resistant ABS case with integrated sensors and protective grille
  • Sensor grille opens and closes to protect the sensors when not in use
  • Supplied with battery and hard storage case
Range: 0° to 50°C20% to100% RH
Resolution:0.1°C 0.1% RH
Accuracy:±1°C ±3%RH (30% t0 70%) ±5% others
Power:1 x 3V Lithium Button Cell Battery
Dimensions:165 x 35 x 18mm
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